Slick Chick – Gattini

A Slick Chick finalmente una puntata veramente importante. Parliamo di gattini.


  1. Leroy Anderson – The Waltzing Cat
  2. John Fahey – The Dance Of The Cat People
  3. PJ Harvey – Cat On The Wall
  4. Kid606 – My Kitten
  5. Elio e Le Storie Tese – Gattini
  6. The Cramps – Confessions of a Psycho Cat
  7. Uzeda – Nico And His Cats
  8. Gatto Ciliegia Contro Il Grande Freddo – Quando eravamo re
  9. Aristogatti – Romeo
  10. Petula Clark – The Cat in the Window (The Birds in the Sky)
  11. Kristeen Young – Catland
  12. The birthday party – Catman

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