Slick Chick – Serpenti

Serpenti nelle mille simbologie e significati.

  1. Black Angels – Snake in the grass
  2. Deerhunter – Snakeskin
  3. Pixies – Snakes
  4. Motorpsycho – Rattlesnake
  5. King Gizzard and The Lizard Wizard – Rattlesnake
  6. John Lee Hooker – Crawling King Snake
  7. Victoria Spivey – Black Snake
  8. Frank Zappa – Baby Snakes
  9. Frank Zappa – Dinah-Moe Humm
  10. Sonic Youth – Calming The Snake
  11. Pj Harvey – Long Snake Moan
  12. These Arms Are Snakes – Subtle Body
  13. These Arms Are Snakes – Woolen Heirs

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