Slick Chick – Spoken word

Una prima infornata di Spoken word. Potrebbero seguirne altre 😉


  1. Linton Kwesi Johnson – Inglan is a bitch
  2. Linton Kwesi Johnson – Fite dem back
  3. The Last Poets – Niggers Are Scared of Revolution
  4. The Last Poets – White Man’s Got a God Complex
  5. Gil Scott-Heron – Revolution Will Not Be Televised
  6. Gil Scott-Heron – Running
  7. Sleaford Mods – Job Seeker (2007 Version)
  8. Sleaford Mods – Tied up in Nottz
  9. Kae Tempest – Europe is lost
  10. Kae Tempest – Hold your Own
  11. Rafeef Ziadah – Shades of Anger
  12. Uochi Toki – Il ladro

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