Slick Chick – Shane Meadows

A Slick Chick in questo freddo martedi’ torna il ciclo “i registi allegrotti”: il cinema, la musica e la famiglia allargata di Shane Meadows.


  1. Sunhouse – Crazy On The Weekend
  2. Beth Orton – I Wish I Never Saw The Sunshine
  3. P.P. Arnold – Everything’s Gonna Be Alright
  4. Mungo Jerry – Lady Rose
  5. Wendy Rene – Bar-b-q
  6. Cul De Sac – I Remember Nothing More
  7. Lucky Dragons – Heartbreaker
  8. Dexys Midnight Runners – Come on Eileen
  9. Al Barry & The Cimarons – Morning sun
  10. Ludovico Einaudi – Fuori dal mondo
  11. Gavin Clark and Ted Barnes – Raise a Vein
  12. The Style Council – Walls come tumbling down
  13. The Smiths – What Difference Does It Make
  14. The La’s – There She Goes

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