Slick Chick – Città

A Slick Chick abbiamo parlato di città: vive, morte, bombardate, riottose, da sballo e da morir di noia.


  1. Daddy Long Legs – New York City
  2. Lalli – Mostar
  3. Fugazi – Downed City
  4. Anti-Nowhere League – Streets Of London
  5. The Pogues – Dark Streets of London
  6. Nouvelle Vague- Guns of Brixton
  7. Asian Dub Foundation – A New London Eye
  8. Siouxsie and the Banshees – Cities in dust
  9. Nick Grey And The Random Orchestra – Italian cities fight the smog
  10. Kalashnikov – Metropoli
  11. The Cure – Fire in Cairo
  12. Christy moore – Back Home In Derry
  13. Gli Altri – Istanbul
  14. Neil On Impression – Prague
  15. L’enfance Rouge – Otranto
  16. Diaframma – Vaiano
  17. The Stooges – L.A. Blues

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